Crusty Old Joe's
Boatanchor Collection
revised 2015 March 10
Trade inquiries welcome
although I generally want to keep and get more WW II era stuff.
I would like to get parts to complete some of these items too.
I'm in Kodiak Alaska 99615.
Want List:
M-209 converter, cryptographic
SCR-296 radar, parts, TM
SCR-547 radar, parts, TM
SCR-543 radio, parts, TM
SCR-281 radio, parts, TM
SCR-808 or SCR-828 radio, parts, TM
BC-375 or BC-191
HS-17A head & chest set
BD-95 switchboard, any info
WE-551 PBX switchboard
I-50 telephone test set
MC-88 typewriter (have one, need more)
Any WWII vintage manual typewriters
Any manual typewriters
RC-133 time control equipment
EE-86 time interval apparatus, manual
WWII 8 inch, 6 inch, 155mm, etc. artillery artifacts, powder bags, etc.
Also see items.txt
This information is to provide a selection of items that I can point
others to when I want to make a trade. Items are not offered for sale.
I'm happy to share information on any items. I don't have manuals
for all of it.
This list is very incomplete. This is just a sample.
- Northeast Electronics TTS-35 transmission test set
- Northeast Electronics TTS-26 dial test set (similar to WECo 2B), have 2
- Oak single box magneto phone, working, at museum
- Oak magneto wall box. Finish stripped. Has magneto but no crank.
- "Hotel" phone, 653A with dial, 329W transmitter, 144 receiver, original number card "5194".
- "Hotel" phone 533A manual, 398A transmitter, no cup, no receiver, no gongs on ringer.
- 533A with 202 desk set marked DI, inside of 202 stamped III 34 in red, dial blank,
original number card "304", baseplate original pad in VGC, F1W handset, F1 transmitter 1/41.
- Gray coin box,
three slot, bell and gong,
patd Feb 16, 1909 and Aug 24, 1909. With coin box & key.
- Coin box doors 4 3/16 inch square, 3 each with keys, for sale $50 each
- 60A Railway selector, also without cover
- EE8 Field Telephones, 1 with canvas cover, 1 with leather (on loan to a museum)
- Misc old phone parts
- Western Electric crossbar switch from MTS terminal
- Stromberg Carlson XY telephone switch Photo of switch in one of the
testers listed below.
- Stromberg Carlson XY telephone switch tester. (Have 2.) Photo.
Schematic in lid of one unit which works OK. Other unit has no lid and only partially works.
- Stromberg Carlson XY Portable Equipment Routiner, Code No. 20 Photo.
- Stromberg Carlson Portable Test Set, Code No. 11, has dial, 0-1 mA meter, with
instructions and diagram. Photo.
- Stromberg Carlson 6C Portable Current Test Set, no lid. Photo.
- Western Electric 100 loudspeaker/amplifiers, wooden case, have 2.
- type 20B 20 x 5 cordless switchboard, tabletop unit, sn 961, 3/61 Mfg ?
- Western Electric 247B touch-tone decoder, relays on plug-in cards
- 2 ea Lenkurt 927 SF signalling units, type 41216-01 E&M SF iss5 M2.
- 1 ea Lenkurt test extender for above with jacks.
- ADC bantam jack modules. 25 pair amp connectors. Have several and some with LEDs and switches.
- Western Electric type 211 bracket phone, with dial, chrome handset hook for G handset, home made wall box.
- several other 211 bracket phones. 2 have G handset hangars, 1 type F.
The one with the dial is a 5H 9/48. The loose dial is a 6A3 3/71.
- Western Electric type 302 desk phone, August 1942, black thermoplastic housing,
5H dial, F1W handset, has good brown fabric covered cords. Works well.
- Western Electric type
302 desk phone, July 1949, black thermoplastic housing, 5H dial, F1 handset, cloth hs cord.
- Graybar Inter-Phone Made in USA 1239-C, has handset with scoop microphone, cloth cords.
- Operators supervisor's headset with long plastic cord and cord mounted switch.
- AML carrier. One CO shelf full and one field unit.
- Frame mount bridge lifters.
- Box of miscellaneous Collins mux cards.
- 2 ea apparatus cases.
- key system modules: K216, 219A,
K307A (adapter for K160B and K160C cards).
Proctor 72550 iss. 20,
Size in inches: 9-1/4 deep. 6-1/2 high, 1-5/8 wide,
edge connector has 28 pins per side - 56 total,
weight 1-3/4 pounds.
Quantity on hand: 2 each. Have a matching shelf full of 12 other cards, same size.
- Tellabs 4902 4W pad/t, 2 ea (in conex)
- Tellabs 6971 2W/4W common interface (in conex)
- Tellabs 6962M 4W E&M SF sig w/gain (in conex)
- Tellabs 9791 Loudspeaker Jan 28, 1986, new still in wrapping plastic. Clone of WE 106.
- Tellabs 4003C Line Amplifier with loopback module (inside below 263A case)
- Tellabs 263A Data Station Termination Assy. 10-89 Rev V.
- Tellabs 1612, Satellite VF shelf, 6-3/4"h, 12-1/2"d, 56 pin edge connectors,
with Tellabs 6923 2w FXS SF sig set, 6927A universal (FXS FXO E&M) SF sig set,
6921B echo canceller with pads, TeleSystems (A Comsat Co) EC-4543 echo canceller with SF bypass.
Shelf has DC supply and 20/30Hz ring supply for 120vac operation.
This was to provide two telephone circuits via satellite to a remote site.
- Satellite mux. SCPC, 2 channels in shelf. 70 MHz IF.
- 1 ea Wescom line circuit 91-511500 iss 1. 6-3/4 x 12-1/2.
- Wescom 811 shelf, 3-1/2"h, 19"w, 12"d, 12 position, with 8 each 7382-00 loop extenders.
- card shelf, unk mfg, 3-1/2"h, 19"w, 12 position, with 12 each 19A7-MX term units (also
have a large box full of these cards), shelf marked "764-1895-001" "PAW" "009" "788-9152-001 C1"
- 4 ea Wescom 442
- 4 ea Wescom 412A
- 2 ea Wescom 4101
- 1 ea Wescom 4285
- 2 ea Wescom 410
- 4 ea Wescom 732-DX2
- 1 ea Wescom type 400 shelf, 19" rack mount
- misc Wescom card shelf units, cast metal, modular.
- 6 ea Wescom W 711 line amplifier
- 6 ea Wescom extender for W 711 type cards
- 2 ea Wescom 841 24 vdc power supply
- 2 ea Wescom 850 ring generator, 30Hz
- 5 ea Wescom 6630 E&M SF unit (in conex)
- 3 ea Wescom 663761 sub FX SF unit (in conex)
- Some of the Wescom stuff is mounted for a FXS package.
Mounted in a 19 inch rack shelf:
- 2 ea Wescom 9005 Loop Current Detector
- 2 ea XEL 4216-010 2/4W amp SF-FX
- 1 ea Pulsecom strappable pad shelf with pads
- 1 ea Lenkurt 41211 SF extender with test jacks for 310 plugs
- Northern Telecom cards, 4-1/2"h, 8-1/2"d
- 12 ea QVF34K echo suppressor/SF bypass
- 8 ea 79B cards for above
- 1 ea QMM5A power transfer
- 1 ea QVF27A 2600 Hz distribution
- 1 ea QVF13B E&M-E&M PLR
- 11 pin Altec type plug-ins
- 3 ea Lorain 460C compressor amp with documents and in foam box
- 3 ea VOX (voice operated relay)
- 5 ea Altec 41499A general purpose relay
- 3 ea Altec 44494A strappable attenuator
- 3 ea Altec 15338 transformer
- 5 ea Altec 460C amplifier
- 3 ea Altec 14477A attenuator Z=600
- 1 ea Altec 40488A attenuator
- 1 ea Altec 13530A network
- 1 ea Altec 469A amplifier
- 2 ea Altec 2-wire 3-way bridge
- 2 ea extractor tools
- 2 ea 10-position shelf, 19" rack
- Model 14 typing reperforator, with keyboard, 20/60 mA switch, 60 WPM, sync motor.
Base 14J3T, typing unit 63518. On display at the
Kodiak Military History Museum.
- Model 14 TD (At museum)
- Model 15 page printer. (At museum)
- Model 28 page printer typing unit only.
- Model 28 three-speed gearshift.
- Model 28 motor.
- Truetone (Western Auto) table radio, BRC-606 model D731 10-38, works.
- Atwater Kent receiver
model 72 circa 1930 chassis H-1, 39h x 24w x 14d. Not working.
- Setchell-Carlson, Inc. Model 524 receiver (BC-1206) s/n 11908, 200-400 Kc/s, AM,
4x4x6-3/4 inches, 135 Kc/s IF, tube lineup: 28D7, 14R7, 14H7, 14J7, 1LN5, works.
- Collins 51J-4 Receiver, with original manual, no top cover
Brelco WW2 Hand Morse Key, Navy Type No. CAQZ-26026
- BC-611 WW2 Walkie-Talkie, five tubes on 4MHz
- SP-600 Receiver, Hammarlund, R-274A/FRR, sn 1852, order 3376-PHILA-52,
exc cond. photo
- Collins KWM-2 Transceiver, AC supply attached to back, in frequent use.
- SB-82 Receiver audio switchboard, no case
- Northern 550 SSB transceiver, 6146 finals, many spare parts.
- Northern 570 SSB transceiver
- Northern 850 SSB Transceiver
- Northern 860 SSB Transceiver
- Northern 860 SSB Transceiver modified for USB/LSB
- SEA 222 SSB Transceiver with automatic coupler
- SEA 222 SSB Transceiver slight damage on plastic front panel trim
- SGC InterContinental One SSB, 12 chan, xtal cont, model SG714 11/29/75
- G175C(1) VHF receiver, wt 23.8 lb, 3.5"h - 15"d - 17"w,
black edge lit plastic front panel,
LTV Tempo Aerosystems, Greenville Texas, a div of
Temco Electronics & Missles Co., Mfg. by CEI Bethesda MD.
2 bands: 30-90 mc, 60-260 mc, 3 IF bandwidths: 3000, 40, 10. AM/FM, COR, nuvistor tubes.
Have two receivers. One (sn 5678) complete looks OK, was working until recently. Other
(sn 7569) missing knobs and has loose parts inside.
- G188E dual UHF receiver, 220-500 mc, sn 5050, wt/lbs 30.0, 6.5"h - 15"d - 17"w,
black edge lit plastic front panel, part no. G188E00000-1,
LTV Electrosystems Inc, PO Box 1056, Greenville Texas 75401, mfg code 05395.
- R-1368/GR Dual Range UHF Receiver, Receiver tunes 250-500 mc in band A,
and 490-1000 mc in band B. Circa 1966. Works FB.
- Case of 10 cans of Andrew A302E type 210 silica gel refill 1.5# cans. New.
- Narco Superhomer VHT-2/VTP-34
- Nova Star II VHF Radio, Nova-Tech Inc., "Stinson 97294", sn 2704, 12 vdc, 11 pin connector
Test Equipment
- ZM-11/U Bridge Capacitance-Inductance-Resistance, with manual: Navships 91704A / Navmc Elect 2042 / 1952, Mfg. Clough-Brengle Co. Chicago, Model 712 sn 2149
- Tube Checker, Hickock, RD Instruments Model 1575 Tube Tester "Alaska Communication System cal 17 Nov 1970"
- Heathkit Tube Tester TT-1 (1964) with manual, 1966 supplemental tube data, excellent condition
- Motorola AC Voltmeter S1053B
- Motorola Audio signal generator
- Marconi S6 AM/FM Signal Generator TF995A/5 England No. 53606/32, very clean
- CMC 7270 EPUT meter, nixie tubes
- ME-61/GRC Field Strength Meter sn 792, Multronics, Inc., Rockville MD, order No. 36-039-H-4-45229(E)
- HP350B 5-watt 600 ohm attenuator set
- HP200CD wide range oscillator, sn 103-32306
- AN/URM-127 audio generator
- HP400D vtvm
- TS-375A VTVM.
- AN/URM-25D signal generator
- AN/URM-26 signal generator
- Boonton FM Signal Generator 202B sn 2943, excellent condition
- some other old signal generators
Projection or Photographic Equipment
- Bell & Howell Filmo 16mm projector type S, with original 400 watt B&H lamp, case and manual.
- Kodak Pageant Sound Projector Model 8K5, 16mm. I would like to get a WWII era projector.
- Bell & Howell Specialist Autoload Filmosound 16mm projector. Excellent condition.
- Filmstrip projector, McClure 500 with remote, DAY lamp, with remote & case.
- Filmstrip projector, DuKane Micromatic II, model 28A81, lens 3" focal length 35mm diameter, lamp CAL or DAY,
has built-in cassette deck, with case. Modified for microfilm.
- 8mm projector, uses film cartridge, Super Technicolor 810 Instant Movie Projector, uses DCF lamp. (can't find it)
- Super 8 sound projector, GAF.
- Super 8 sound camera GAF.
- Camera, Bell & Howell Filmosound 8, autoload, film cassette, internal f1.9 zoom 11-35mm, reflex viewfinder.
- 4x5 enlarger
- two 4x5 Speed Graphic cameras, one Polaroid back.
- lots more smaller stuff
Other equipment
- Solar Power Unit, SC805, sn 802, Southcom International Inc, sub of Conic Corp, A Loral Company
2210 Meyers Ave, Escondido California, cable SOUTHCOM ESCONDIDO 746-1141,
with manual pub No. 991 355, rev 11/1/76
- Motorola Centracom I radio console with modules for 6 radio channels. With manual.
- FAX machine with LOCTAL TUBES and rotating drum. Sends and receives.
Has 5.5 volt input dynamotor. Green wrinkle paint. Good condition. No cover.
top view -
rear view -
front view.
It's on display at the Kodiak Military History Museum.
Wanted: Information, manuals or parts to SCR-296A and SCR-582 radars.
(TM's 11- 1105, 1505, 1212, 1221, 1312, 1412, 1512)
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Rich Post's Boatanchor pages - KB8TAD
Nick England's Fabulous Navy Radio pages - K4NYW