Folder Bell System/WECo - General Publications


Folder WEco Telephone Communication Systems

Multiple editions contain similar chapters.
1966: Communication Systems, Revised Edition.
1969: Fundamentals of Telephone Communication Systems, Revised.
1970: Telephone Communication Systems, Revised Edition, Issue 2, in 5 volumes
   - V1: Early Systems and Station Equipment,  V2: Crossbar, V3: ESS, V4: Long Distance, V5: OSP & Test


pdf 1965 AT&T Presentation - "Evolution of the Switchboard" Popular


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1965 AT&T Presentation - "Evolution of the Switchboard"

22 pages. Presentation dated 9-15-65. Attached for your information is a copy of a talk given recently to the Board of Directors of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company.

We were invited recently to make a presentation to the Board of Directors of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company on the "Evolution of the Switchboard." The talk was accompanied by thirteen 35-millimeter slides, using color wherever possible, Starting with a diagram showing why a switchboard is required, various historic types of boards were discussed and illustrated from the first commercial one at New Haven through recent Traffic Service Position installations.

In order that the Directors might observe the TSP at first hand, the meeting was held at the headquarters of the New York Telephone Company. Subsequent to the meeting and the presentation, a brief tour was conducted. First an existing 3CL type office, soon to be replaced by TSP, was visited. The Directors were then taken to the TSP office where the Chief Operator demonstrated the operation at the training position using a specially prepared training tape.

Includes operator speed of service (Slide 8).

Contributed by Paul Fassbender.

pdf NET&T New England Toll Route Map - i7 Jun 1967 Popular


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NET&T New England Toll Route Map - i7 Jun 1967

A rare  New England Telephone & Telegraph Company Toll Route map covering MA, VT, ME, and RI including neighboring SNET (CT) territory.  Also includes facilities of AT&T. Richly detailed including office type (Magneto / Manual Common Battery / Dial). A tremendous amount of information covering a large area.  Includes vintage radio links to Block Island and Nantucket. Originally issued in Sep. 1942. Contributed by Rick Walsh.

pdf SNET Toll Route Map - 1957 Popular


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SNET Toll Route Map - 1957

A well detailed vintage map of Southern New England Telephone Company facilities and those of AT&T in Connecticut including Toll offices. Cable type (Open wire / Aerial / Underground) is illustrated. Originally issued in May 1932. Contributed by Rick Walsh.

pdf 10 Men and the Telephone - 1961 Popular


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10_men_and_the_telephone-1961-ocr-r (1).pdf

10 Men and the Telephone - 1961


In 1878, when his great invention was only two years old,
Alexander Graham Bell dreamed of a vast telephone network
that would unite every American city, town and village.
He lived to see it happen ... and to see the beginning of a
world-wide system that today makes each and every telephone
a link to almost any place on the face of the earth.
It took a great many men to make Bell's dream come true,
however; men with ideas, imagination, talent and courage.
Bell himself, in his later years, said: "The telephone system
as we now know it is the product of many, many minds, to
whom honor should be given for the wonderful and beneficial
work it has accomplished." This booklet contains glimpses into
the lives of ten of these men ... ten out of the countless thousands
who have helped to create today's far-flung telephone services.

Contributed by Rick Miles. OCR by Remco Enthoven.

pdf The Hinsdale Challenge 1988 Executive Summary Popular


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The Hinsdale Challenge 1988 Executive Summary

Contributed by John Novack.

pdf Ameritech - The Hinsdale CO Fire Report And Conference Notes - 1989 Popular


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Ameritech - The Hinsdale CO Fire Report And Conference Notes - 1989

280 pages.  This document was part of a two day seminar by Ameritec on the Central Office fire in Hinsdale IL. It was scanned as presented in the 3 ring notebook.

Includes  "The Hinsdale Challenge" - notes from a conference held April 10-11, 1989; and "The Hinsdale CO Fire - Final Report" Executive Summary, March 1989 (starts on page 234, tab 13 for reference in the conference notes). Contributed by John Novack.

pdf ID Codes for No. 4 and Crossbar Tandem Offices - Jan61 ocr r Popular


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ID Codes for No. 4 and Crossbar Tandem Offices - Jan61 ocr r

List of all No. 4 and Toll Xbar Tandems in the US, 1961. With ID codes used by the announcements. Contributed by Clint Gilliland.

pdf CO Prefixes Panel and Xbar Dial Buildings - Jul51 Popular


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CO Prefixes Panel and Xbar Dial Buildings - Jul51

San Francisco, East Bay and Coast Divisions.  Pacific Telephone.  Contributed by Clint Gilliland.

pdf Boston1924 Bc Popular


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pdf Sxs Bc Popular


pdf 1975_Bell System Switching Timeline - History 1878-1975 Popular


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Bell System Switching Timeline-History.pdf

1975_Bell System Switching Timeline - History 1878-1975

Time Line of Bell System Switching from a Bell System Training Manual

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Thanks for new documents from Sheila Flory, Tom Hesson, Jim Hurtle, Ed Palazzo, Paul Fassbender, Bruce Patterson, Remco Enthoven, Jon Kolger, Paul Ivester, Len Hicken, Fred Haynes, Kurt Rudolph, Wade ("Kellogg KITT"), the Connections Museum, Rick Walsh, Jeff Lamb, Jeremy Walters, Alan David, Dennis Hock, and Tim Griffin.

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