Northern Electric Catalog Cards

Northern Electric and Western Electric published an extensive card catalog covering practically every component part required to build the telephone network.  Like BSPs, individual cards were periodically added, revised or deleted, so no collection is likely to be comprehensive. This collection, contributed by Ken Lyons, is a PDF version of a catalog set that was produced by Northern Electric, with individual cards dated from 1959 to 1980.

The Main Index link takes you to a "Table of Contents" and alphabetized index of keywords that allows you to find a specific catalog card.  Each card has a "Back to Index" button that returns you to the Main Index.  From each specific topic area, simply scroll down to see the supporting cards.  They are sorted in numeric order.  You can also do a text search (Control-F) within the topic page for keywords of interest.

    Main Index - Northern Electric Catalog Cards

The index opens in a new window.  Simply close it to return here.

NOTE: Some users have reported that links to the cards are not operating properly. If you have problems, try the Firefox browser with built-in pdf viewer.

This seems to be limited to some software environments using pdf plug-ins that do not properly process the relative path addresses coded into the pdf files, and have worked for years. We are researching this and will post updates as we learn more.

Also see the Western Electric Card Catalog page: Western Electric Card Catalog

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Recent Contributors

Thanks for new documents from Sheila Flory, Tom Hesson, Jim Hurtle, Ed Palazzo, Paul Fassbender, Bruce Patterson, Remco Enthoven, Jon Kolger, Paul Ivester, Len Hicken, Fred Haynes, Kurt Rudolph, Wade ("Kellogg KITT"), the Connections Museum, Rick Walsh, Jeff Lamb, Jeremy Walters, Alan David, Dennis Hock, and Tim Griffin.

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