The TCI Library would not be possible without the contributions of those who provided the scans of the documents and schematics that make up the library. Without those contributions, such a collection would be impossible.

We would like to thank the following people for their advice, help and/or contributions:

Tom Adams, Naveen Albert, Doug Alderdice, Dietrich Arbenz, Sarah Autumn, Walt Aydelotte, Chuck Batson, Gerhard Baumgartner, Robert Bell, Stefan Biesemans, Arthur P. Bloom, Karl Brose, Vern Burke, Ed Burnett, Steve Cichorsky, Eugene Cocanower, Roger Conklin, Sam Corcione, Connections Museum - Seattle (THG), Paul Coxwell, Colby Cuthbertson, Alan David, Debbie/Dewdrop, Jim Decker, Dale Dewey, Vin DiJohn, Doug Duffy, Charlie Dunne, Remco Enthoven, Bob Estreich, Sam Etler, Paul Fassbender, John Fehl, Steve Flocke, Sheila Flory, Gerhard Fuchs, Larry Garnatz, Gordon Gerdes, John Gilbert, Clint R. Gilliland, Greg Goebel, Gary Goff, Alan Goldberg, David Goodman, Dave Gruger, Sam Hallas, Martin Harriss, Fred Haynes, Jim Haynes, Chuck Hensley, Ross Herbert, Tom Hesson, Len Hicken, Steve Hilsz, Dennis Hock, Don House, Dave Hunter, Jim Hurtle, Paul Ivester, JKL Museum, Ian Jones, Harry Joseph, Wayne Junop, Alexandre Kampouris, Ron Kay, Steph Kerman, David Kingston, Russ Kirk, Bobby Koch, Jon Kolger, Ray Konrath, Ray Kotke, Jeff Lamb, Bruce Lane, Bill Lewis, Robert_M, Louis Maffei, Mike Magnus, John Marshall, David Massey, Wayne Merit, Terry Michaels, Hubert Miller, John Mulrane, Mike Neale, John Novack, Wendell Olson, Paul Pafford, Ed Palazzo, Bruce Patterson, Doug Pavlichek, Jerry Petrizze, LienAnh Pham, Mark Phillips, Jim Prather, Don Resor, Laurence Rudolf, Kurt Rudolph, Jack Ryan, Rick Saint, Eric Salter, Greg Sargeant, Arwin Schaddelee, Richard Schipper, Erik Schull, Herbert Schwarz,  Jeff Seidel, Oliver Seidler, David Shtaida, John Sichert, Ashley Simmons, Astrid Smith, Johathan Sowers, John Stancliff, Craig Stanowski, Jim Stettler, Kenneth "Stub" Stubblefield, Charlie Terry, Perry Tipperreiter, Greg Turgeon, Joseph Uzel, Jan Verhelst, Wade (“Kellogg KITT”), Rick Walsh, Jeremy Walters, Nathaniel Watson, Erick Waugus, Paul Wills, Bill Wright, Michael Young and Peter Z.  and others.

We apologize in advance if we overlooked anyone.

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Read the articles under "Introduction" in the black menu bar above.

Recent Contributors

Thanks for new documents from Sheila Flory, Tom Hesson, Jim Hurtle, Ed Palazzo, Paul Fassbender, Bruce Patterson, Remco Enthoven, Jon Kolger, Paul Ivester, Len Hicken, Fred Haynes, Kurt Rudolph, Wade ("Kellogg KITT"), the Connections Museum, Rick Walsh, Jeff Lamb, Jeremy Walters, Alan David, Dennis Hock, and Tim Griffin.

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Hints for using the TCI Library

"Menu Bar" for site navigation.
Many menu choices are hidden until you mouse over words in the black Menu Bar (above).  If you want help getting started, see the links under the word "Introduction" in the Menu Bar.
The user interface is oriented toward the user’s choice to either Browse or Search for information.  The Browse the Library menu entry offers many quick links to move around the Library quickly.  Try it!

Three search options.
The Library’s keyword-based searches, called Basic Search and Advanced Search, accept keywords as short as 2 characters (WE, AE, etc.) and search strings up to 255 characters.  If you get more than 1,000 items, refine your search or try the Google Search option.
When selected from the Menu Bar, Google only searches for files in the TCI Library.
Library INBOX.
The INBOX may hold some files that have been submitted but not fully processed into the Library.  These are often topics of current discussion on the TCI Email Group. Items in the INBOX are not found using Basic or advanced searches, but ARE found by a Google Search.
Remember to check the INBOX if you don't find something with the other searches.
Finding BSPs.
Many BSPs are currently only identified by BSP number. If a text search doesn’t produce a BSP, try looking in one of the many BSP index documents to find a BSP number for the product you are researching just as you would do if referencing a paper library of the BSPs. Then enter the BSP number in the search box.
Finding CDs and SDs.
Some related CDs and SDs are filed in different areas. Try searching for just the numeric portion of the name.  Remember to check the INBOX if you don't find something with the Basic or Advanced searches -- or use the Google search.
Compact Category Listing.
When browsing, to change the category listing view from normal to compact, click on Browse the Library in the black menu bar.
To change from compact to normal view, click on Document Repository in the drop down under Browse the Library.



Telephone Collectors International was incorporated under the laws of the state of Kansas on May 13, 1986. The goal of the organization is "to educate the public, as well as the members of the Corporation, regarding the history of telephony, the value of old telephones and related items, their collectability and preservation; to research telephone history and publish and provide literature thereon; to promote the public exhibition of old telephones and related items; and to promote common courtesies and guidelines for use by the public." Telephone Collectors International is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) organization, to which U.S. tax deductible contributions can be made.