Folder BLR
See Chuck Hensley's comprehensive index to articles in the BLR in the folder below. It can be used to locate articles to research, whether found in the TCI LIbrary or elsewhere.
Chuck has offered to scan a limited number of pages from his collection (at his convenience). Send requests using the "Contact Us" link in the Menu Bar above.
HINT: Search for "BLR" followed by a topic keyword to find a series of related articles. Use alphabetic sort to display them in chronological order. e.g. BLR PBX or BLR Picturephone.
When posted, complete scanned BLR issues from Sept. 1925 - Dec. 1961 were available here:
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Thanks for new documents from Sheila Flory, Tom Hesson, Jim Hurtle, Ed Palazzo, Paul Fassbender, Bruce Patterson, Remco Enthoven, Jon Kolger, Paul Ivester, Len Hicken, Fred Haynes, Kurt Rudolph, Wade ("Kellogg KITT"), the Connections Museum, Rick Walsh, Jeff Lamb, Jeremy Walters, Alan David, Dennis Hock, and Tim Griffin.
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