Folder Catalogs, Manuals, Educational Docs (by Company)
Folder ATC/DecoTel
American Telecommunications Corp.
Folder Industry Publications
Trade magazines and related documents. Full issues or extracts.
Folder Kellogg & ITT

More documents on Kellogg equipment are found on the TCI Kellogg Resource Page:
Documents on Select-O-Phone equipment (including some made by Kellogg) are here:
Folder LM Ericsson
Also see historical documents posted on the Ericsson site:
Includes catalogs from 1886-1976, LME Review magazines from 1924 (v1) - 2003 (v80), (less 1931,47,83,84,87,90 and 2000) annual reports, and other periodicals.
Folder Stromberg Carlson

More documents on Stromberg Carlson equipment are found on the TCI SC Resource Page:
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Thanks for new documents from Lou Maffei, Rick Thoensen. Paul Fassbender, Sheila Flory, Tom Hesson, Jim Hurtle, Ed Palazzo, Bruce Patterson, Remco Enthoven, Jon Kolger, Paul Ivester, Len Hicken, Fred Haynes, Kurt Rudolph, Wade ("Kellogg KITT"), the Connections Museum, Rick Walsh, and Jeff Lamb.
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