Folder Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets

Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets


pdf H-1542 Subset For 553 Apartment Phone Popular

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H-1542 Subset For 553 Apartment Phone

Switches between CO line and House Line, with call buttons for Building Manager and Janitor plus a button to remotely open the front door.  Also may be used with phones other than the 553.  Contributed by Chuck Hensley, Bill Bentsen and Tom Adams.

pdf Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 293a Tl Popular

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Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 293a Tl

Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 293A Sidetone Subscriber Set (Manual Only). Drawing provided by Don Woodbury and cleaned up by Steph Kerman.

pdf Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 293a2 Tl Popular

By 2100 downloads

Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 293a2 Tl

Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 293A Sidetone Subscriber Set (Manual Only) Alternate Drawing.

pdf Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 293y Tl Popular

By 1908 downloads

Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 293y Tl

Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 293Y Sidetone Subscriber Set Local Battery Talking.

pdf Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 333 Tl Popular

By 1980 downloads

Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 333 Tl

Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 333B Sidetone Subscriber Set (Manual Only).

pdf Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 553 Tl Popular

By 2661 downloads

Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 553 Tl

Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 553 BA, 553A or 533A Sidetone Subscriber Sets (Manual or Dial).

pdf Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 653 Tl Popular

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Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 653 Tl

Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 653A, 653BA, 433B, 633A or 633BA Anti-Sidetone Subscriber Sets (Manual or Dial).

pdf Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 653Sch Tl Popular

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Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 653Sch Tl

Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 653A, 653BA, 433B, 633A or 633BA Anti-Sidetone Subscriber Sets (Dial only). Drawing simplified by Bobby Koch to show dial only configuration.

pdf Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, We653 Tl Popular

By 2149 downloads

Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, We653 Tl

Wall Telephone (Hotel) Sets, 653 Anti-Sidetone Subscriber Sets (Dial only) Color Version. Colorized version prepared by Vin DiJohn.

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