pdf 1907ca Weco Telephonic Apparatus And Supplies Catalog - ocr r [Large File] Popular

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1907ca Weco Telephonic Apparatus And Supplies Catalog - ocr r  [Large File]

Unmarked first edition, 167 pages, circa 1906 or 1907.  A Telegraph Edition with 10 extra pages of telegraph apparatus is dated 1908, has 179 pages and is available on Google Books (when this was written).  The second edition is clearly marked and dated 1908.

Collector Kevin Duck reports that a tell-tale difference between the editions is the 143 receiver shown on page 64 of the first edition.  (The hard rubber case version is numbered 144 in the second edition.)

WE Catalog 3 (1916) is the first numbered catalog in this series. Collectors have attributed #1 and #2 to earlier catalogs. Some call this #1 and the second edition #2.  No2. Others believe both are editions of #2 and that there is an earlier #1. 

Contributed by Steve Cichorsky.  OCR by Clint Gilliland. 


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